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Almost 90%
of the world’s palm oil is produced in Malaysia and Indonesia on the island of Borneo *
Only 20%
of global palm oil is sustainably produced **
1000s of products
contain palm oil, from biscuits and chocolate to toothpaste and shampoo. In the UK, palm oil must be identified as such in consumables ^

Palm oil is the world’s most popular vegetable oil and comes from the fruit of the oil palm, Elaeis guineensis. It is found in many processed foods, including ice cream, chocolate, chips, cereals, frozen foods, margarine, biscuits, cakes, bread and fruit juice. Palm oil is also used to make personal care, cosmetic and household products including soap, toothpaste, shampoo, cosmetics, and detergents.
The global demand for palm oil is one of the largest drivers of deforestation in Indonesia. Forest fires are deliberately lit to clear land space to plant palm trees, killing and displacing thousands of animals each year. This leads to the death of countless animals either through perishing in the fires, getting killed in human-wildlife conflict or dying from starvation due to the loss of habitat/food sources from the land clearing.
Be part of the solution in ending unsustainable palm oil practices.
Encourage more businesses to use sustainably sourced palm oil by increasing the demand for it.
Show your commitment to support palm oil farmers who have put sustainable farming practices in place.

© Cara Macnally

Jacha Potgieter
Environmental Conservationist & Creative Director
Many years ago I spent some time volunteering with Orangutans in Borneo and saw for myself the situation with palm oil. It is much easier to spot items that have palm oil in them as now it has to be listed clearly on labels. It really goes to show if everyone makes a small effort they can make a huge difference.

Karen Nyberg
Astronaut & Earth Ambassador

As we know from exploring space, a small step for one person can be a giant leap for all. If we each do our part by avoiding products with unsustainable palm oil, we can make a huge difference for orangutans and their rainforest homes.

Lee Child CBE
Acclaimed Writer

Orangutans are smart, funny, affectionate, naughty – a bit like us. So far we’ve killed a hundred thousand of them by smashing up their homes to plant palms for palm oil. Either don’t use it, or double-check it’s sustainable.

Teisha Lowry
Actor & Producer
As a consumer it can be hard to tell when unsustainable palm oil is in a product, especially in the beauty industry it is in several products. It’s up to each and every one of us to make small changes in our everyday life to help make a big difference before it’s too late.

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Why not ban palm oil?
As an organisation working on the ground in Indonesia we believe a total ban on palm oil isn’t the best option to resolve the issue. Palm oil is cheap to produce, has many desirable qualities for a variety of product uses, and is deeply intertwined with the local economies and livelihoods of the people in Indonesia.
According to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, (RSPO), in Indonesia alone, there are 16 million workers in the palm oil supply chain, of which 3.78 million are plantation workers.
It also produces the highest yield, which is why sustainably produced palm oil is regarded as the most sustainable of the vegetable oils – including rapeseed, sunflower, and soybean oil. If palm oil production were to cease it would create a cascade effect causing other vegetable oils with lower yields to ramp up their production, with their own ecological footprint.
This is why we see the growth of the sustainable palm oil industry as the best path forward for Indonesia, its people, its biodiversity, and the world.
I hear people say that there’s no such thing as sustainable palm oil. Is this true?
No, a thriving sustainable palm oil industry exists today. The sustainable palm oil industry produces the product that is so valuable to our daily lives while drastically minimising harm to local communities or the environment. To achieve this, major palm oil producers have in the past few years adopted policies that promise no deforestation, no peat development, and no employee exploitation.
Many of these requirements are reflected in what is widely considered to be the industry’s most comprehensive way to identify sustainable palm oil: the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil’s (RSPO) certification system.
What if I can’t determine if a product contains palm oil?
Laws around the world vary, so it is important to look up how palm oil is required to be labelled where you live.In the UK, if a consumable product contains palm oil, it must be included in the ingredients list. Almost all products that have made the correct decision to move away from unsustainable palm oil will label this accolade on their packaging. You can look for the RSPO logo, or for statements that this product is palm oil free.
If you can’t find either of these, and palm oil isn’t clearly labelled on the ingredients list, it is important to know that companies hide the use of palm oil under many other names. Common deceptive names are “vegetable oil blends”, “palm fruit oil”, and “Vegetable Glycerin”. Here is a list of alternate names to assist you.
Cosmetics are particularly hard to identify if palm oil is used. You can always ask an associate at a store or use an online chat feature for assistance. If they don’t know, at least they are learning that this is a concern for their customers. Every voice counts!
What should I do with products I already have containing unsustainable palm oil?
Don’t waste them! Finish them up and next time around look for a product with the RSPO certification label, or if there isn’t an alternative, find one that doesn’t use unsustainable palm oil. The list of good products grows daily.
You could also write to the companies who manufactured the products and tell them that because of their irresponsible palm oil policy, you will be using alternate products until they make the switch to a sustainably sourced oil. Encourage them to adopt better procedures, and never doubt consumer power, these companies use customer feedback to drive change.
Statistic sources
* Almost 90% of the world’s palm oil is produced in Malaysia and Indonesia on the island of Borneo
** Only 20% of global palm oil is sustainably produced
^ 1000s of products contain palm oil, from biscuits and chocolate to toothpaste and shampoo. In the UK, palm oil must be identified as such in consumables
Palm oil is often disguised, hidden behind hundreds of names. Here are some palm oil-derived ingredients to look out for:
Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Fat, Palm Kernel, Palm Kernel Oil, Palm Fruit Oil, Palmate, Palmitate, Palmolein, Glyceryl, Stearate, Stearic Acid, Elaeis Guineensis, Palmitic Acid, Palm Stearine, Palmitoyl Oxostearamide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Kernelate.
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