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How BOS is fighting against deforestation caused by illegal palm oil plantations.

Conservation in Borneo

The Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation is the world’s largest orangutan conservation organisation. Through our global partnerships we are changing the downward trajectory for Bornean orangutans and their depleting rainforests.


Monita's Story

In June 2018, 3-month-old Monita was confiscated from a villager in Pangkoh by our rescue team.

The villager claimed to have found Monita stranded alone in a forested area near a palm oil plantation and had decided to take her home. Monita was held captive for several days, during which time she was treated like a human baby: she was bathed and clothed. Fortunately, despite being so small and delicate, Monita had not sustained any injuries and was in good physical health.